gs-store-image-packet: structuresource
screen-shot-work: structuresource
*image-name*: stringsource
Expand description
The Jak 2 profiler is a significant improvement over Jak 1's.
VU segments are categorized by renderer, and the EE profiler allows nesting of events.
The EE profiler also allows events with the same name to be "collapsed" into a single
The profiler can display results as bars, or as a text display by category.
Each "event" is called a "segment". It stores a time and also a "count".
The "count" can be used for whatever you want (ex: fragments, VU calls, etc)
profile-array: structuresource
data: profile-segment-array
setup-categories!(obj: profile-array) => nonesource
Summarize data collected.
draw-bars!(obj: profile-array, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: int) => nonesource
Draw the two bars at the top.
draw-text!(obj: profile-array) => nonesource
Draw the table of times.
profile-collapse: structuresource
profile-segment: structuresource
profile-segment-array: basicsource
type: type
count: int16
depth: int8
max-depth: int8
base-time: int16
segment: profile-segment
data: profile-segment
get-total-time(obj: profile-segment-array) => intsource
Get the total time spent.
start-frame!(obj: profile-segment-array) => nonesource
Start a frame.
start-segment!(obj: profile-segment-array, arg0: symbol, arg1: rgba) => nonesource
Push a new segment onto the profiling stack.
end-segment!(obj: profile-segment-array) => nonesource
Pop the last pushed segment.